The Yes And Nature Collaborative

The Yes and Nature Collaborative is Bobbi Block, Karen Strong, and Lisa Yeager. We imagine a world where everyone is confident talking about environmental issues, listening to each others' concerns, and developing solutions together.

Meet Bobbi, Karen, and Lisa

  • Bobbi Block

    Bobbi is an experiential Facilitator and Coach. Her training approach is informed by her work as an improvisational theater artist and actor. Bobbi transforms communication skills to improve connection, engagement, trust and collaboration. Bobbi is a Facilitator/Instructional Designer with The Ariel Group, Work.Life.Leader, and Wharton Executive Education. She has been the Director of Applied Improvisation for CSZ Philadelphia for over 20 years. Bobbi founded acclaimed improvisational theater company Tongue & Groove, and is an Adjunct Professor at Temple and Drexel Universities

  • Karen Strong

    Karen is the principal of Strong Outcomes, a consulting company that supports organizations that conserve land, wildlife, and water. Over the past 24 years, she has built capacity to conserve natural resources in dozens of communities and organizations using her training as a biologist, experience as a conservationist, and mindset as a lifelong learner. Karen is always thinking about how to make conservation more relevant to more people. She uses applied improvisation to help conservationists better understand their audiences and communicate more effectively.

  • Lisa Yeager

    Lisa has over 20 years of leading transformational change initiatives in the public sector and higher education. She serves on the governing council for the National Network for Ocean and Climate Change Interpretation, received a Cee-Change fellowship and grant funding from the North American Association of Environmental Education, and is a Senior Fellow with the Environmental Leadership Program. You can find her in a theater, online , or in an informal learning environment near you experimenting with storytelling, stand up comedy, improvisation or clowning to make climate change accessible and talking about it enjoyable.

Yes and Nature works with lots of great people and organizations. We’d love to work with you too. Contact Us.

Brooke Tully, LLC

  • Brooke trains conservationists how to design outreach plans that motivate action. She brings together best practices from commercial advertising, behavioral science, and hands-on experience in conservation.

  • Brooke supports Yes and Nature through her Making Moves conservation marketing class and curated alumni network.

  • You can support Brooke by using her expertise as a consultant or by engaging in her Marking Moves Course or Workshops.

North American Association for Environmental Education

  • NAAEE supports environmental partners across the continent to advance and improve environmental education.

  • Climate Conversations is a Community Action Project within NAAEE’s CEE-Change Fellowship focused at the intersection of civic engagement and Environmental Education. NAAEE provides technical support and grant funding for Climate Conversations

  • NAAEE is supporting fascinating efforts across the globe. Get involved by becoming a member, joining eePRO, finding them on social media, or reading up on their latest blog posts!